So I joined
Milwaukee Makerspace. It's a place where you can make things. They have tools that are available to use once you get trained on them. I decided I wanted to see what I could make out of the wood shop.
We have some plastic adirondacks in our backyard that stay out all the time. They have been outside for a few years and the plastic is getting brittle. They are cracking and pretty much falling apart, so I figure I might be able to make some nicer ones out of wood. I asked if anyone had made one on the makerspace e-mail list, and I found someone who made one and even
blogged about it.

I wanted to make two chairs, so I got enough wood for two. I cut all the boards one evening. It took me between two and three hours. These were just rough cuts, all at 90 degrees. I decided I'd cut the angles in the boards later when I assembled the chairs.

Sara took the kids went to Minnesota for Christmas, and I took the bus a few days later, so I had time to work on the chair all at once. I didn't take any pictures of the work in progress, because I didn't think ahead. But here's the final product, after about 5 hours of cutting angles and assembling, I have one complete chair, and one that needs a little work to complete. All that's required now is paint!